
What is Packing List (PL) in Import and Export- Complete Guide 2023

A packing list is a document that details the list of products that is exported. The packing list contains the items like quantity, description, item numbers, model numbers and weight of the contents, as well as dimensions, and net and gross weights of the shipping packages. It is prepared by the supplier and used by the importer/consignee for customs clearance when the goods are delivered, and also can be used for inventory management.

The exporter and the importer must know what information is put into the packing list before the final packing list is approved, as it is very important to ensure that PL conforms to the requirements of the importer/consignee and the regulations of the country of import.

It is to be noted that some countries require that the packing list for a container be put at the door inside the container, to facilitate the unloading. So we must always check both the exporter’s and the importer’s individual requirements, as well as the destination country requirements.

Packing list must be made in such a way that it easy for all the parties in the trade to clearly understand what is inside the box or the container.

Let us Highlight the Importance of Packing List in Import and Export

  • PL provides a means of quickly identifying merchandise within the shipment in the event of a customs inspection. Customs officers can easily identify what kind of products exists in the shipment and if necessary for products inspection, they can physically detect the products as per the packing list.
  • As a supporting document, the packing list is essential to support the insurance claim in the event of loss and/or damage. This is very important in the case of cargo lost in the shipment.
  • It gives the importer a means to quickly unpack/check the contents by package (i.e., a piece count); and It helps in planning pick-up and delivery, as it provides weights and measurements.

It is very important to note that Commercial Invoice and Packing List are the two vital documents that provide all the important information necessary to complete all other shipping docs in both import and export shipments.

Packing list can look slightly different depending on the product you are importing. For different products the measurements can be different in weight or pieces.

The packing list is made by the exporter. It is made in the exporter pad addressing it to the importer.

In the packing list you need to add the description of the goods, the HS Code of the goods, each item quantity in pieces or weight, total carton, total net weight, total gross weight and the CBM.

You can add many more details depending on the goods you are importing.

The packing list is signed and sealed by the supplier to send to the buyer.

Below is a demo of the packing list send by the supplier Koocu Technology Co.,Ltd to the buyer M/S Nahar for the 4 products import of mobile repairing tools.


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